Monday, September 11, 2006

Sept 11, 2001

Here is what happened on September 11, 2001:

16,000 children starved to death.

12,000 people died from AIDS.

5,500 people died from diarrhea.

3,200 people died from malaria.

3,000 people died from measles.

2,819 people died in the attacks on the WTC.

Perspective is everything.


Anonymous said...

just happened upon your blog... thanks for that- it's not often that you find people looking at things from a wider perspective. We need to be reminded more often, and then, perhaps, actually find something to do about it...?

Anonymous said...

Life, theres to much to say about it. I mean does a man spend his whole life worrying about others sorrows, in which he does not obtain his share of human kind? Or do you help those in need? The fact of the matter is, what happens in this world happens for a reason, and can only be fought to a certain degree. Whos to say that if they discover a cure for aids, that the number of those whos vitality is takin by diarrea will not raise?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mike Comrie!

Evan said...

Chaos theory is a subject for another posting another day.

The notion of a predetertmined universe is a disturbing thought I leave to the theists among us, for that is what they believe in.

When you are as fortunate as you and me, it is incumbent upon us, that is, it is our moral obligation, to try to improve the lives of those less fortunate then us. I'm not a beliver in giving to so called "marginal utility", but I do believe if everybody did their small part, everyone would be better off. This is an extension of Marxist thought, which most people wouldn't admit. But it is the truth, and the beauty and unreachable ideality of communism.

Anonymous said...

evan I miss u baby, come back to me..


Anonymous said...

who the f is greg.

wrong blog bud, i think you wanted