Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back on Track (well sort of)

I titled this post before I got in the shower. I have had an excellent past week poker wise.

I got out of the shower and decided to play a little bit before writing this up. I ended up only playing for about 15 minutes. That 15 minutes was the worst 15 minutes I have ever experienced in my poker career so far. Tonight I had managed to finish $300 before I got in the shower. I got out, and lost $320 in 15 minutes. What? Excuse me? How the hell does THAT happen? Bad beats, bad beats, bad beats, sketchy play due to the bad beats.

99 vs AK all in PF vs this donkey who had gone all in the hand before with K7. He hits Kxx and I'm done. -$40.

KTo vs 6c7c on flop KT2, guy calls big flop and turn bets and hits the flush on the river. Nothing I could do. -$50.

Q9 BB special flop comes JT8. I got the nuts! Guy comes out betting, I raise cause of the two diamonds, next guy reraises, original bettor folds, I go all in for my last 65. He calls with 8T. Hits a T on the river for a boat. Cool. -$75.

Now here is the tilty hand after those beats. I get AA on the button, three limpers to me, I raise it to 4.5x. I get 3 callers. Flop is J92 rainbow. Nice. Check check bet. Maybe I should raise here to define my hand and maybe keep the pot small. I just called. Fold, fold. Turn is another deuce, which is good for me cause I now beat J9 which would be a distinct possibility. Guy bets again. I call again. River is a blank. Now the pot is pretty big, and now the guy goes all in. I had gotten so smoked, I instacalles for some reason without thinking. I rarely go on tilt but I did here. I should have known he had me murdered. He flips up 22 for quad deuces and takes down a monster pot. -$95.

The other $60 were general non-descript lost hands and maybe a beat or two I have forgotten.

All in FIFTEEN minutes.

It's 2:30 and I'm supposed to sleep after pissing away 300 bucks in 15 minutes? This stuff usually doesn't bother me, but that is a horrible loss.

And I have my first Advanced Calculus assignment due on Friday which I haven't started. Now I feel like shit.

Anyways, now for the original "back on track" stuff. Tonight's bullshit notwithstanding, I have been playing much better poker the last week and have been handsomely rewarded. The past week I've netted a $US2600 profit. Now that's what poker is all about!

I took some time off, read a half dozen Sklansky/Malmuth books, and commited myself to playing solid fundamentally once again. I discovered that I had been playing way too many hands out of position for raises. This was a massive leak in my game. I was also, in general, playing too many hands, as well as raising too many hands. Raising with suited connectors can be a good mix-up play, but it also chops off the implied odds you would like to have with those hands. Raising too much with these hands is a leak.

Even after dropping the $320 tonight, I still finished +$42 for the day. Not very much, statistically pretty much zero, but it's always nice to book a plus instead of a minus. It also gives me 6/7 days that have been profitable this past week.

I also broke my one day record win the other day. Previously it stood at $609. I won $601 on Sunday, then managed to win $718 on Monday, to break the record.

Anyways, it is nice to be back in the win column after playing some terrible poker in August. I have also now broken $16,000 for the year, a little off from where I wanted to be, but still pretty good. $20,000 for 2006 is very attainable.

Sept 14, 2006. I'd just like to say Happy Birthday to my "bro" Owen, who is celebrating 20 years on Earth today.

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