Saturday, September 02, 2006

Rampant Hatred

Why is there hatred in the world? What is the point of war? Why does it matter if two people have different religions? Who cares if you worship a different god(s) or read a different story book than me? Who cares what colour your skin is? Why is any one set of persons any "better" or "worse" than another set of persons?

What is gained by spreading hate?

If only people around the world would realize how stupid they all are. They are all busy fighting religious and political wars, every one of them saying "We are the chosen ones, and you the infidels!". They then proceed to try and kill each other, and even kill themselves if it means killing more of the "infidels".

What they are saying is "My religion is right, yours is wrong. My politics are right, yours are wrong." And they try and kill each other to prove themselves right. How does killing each other prove whose politics or religion are(is) the best (the correct one(s)). Killing each other only proves who the better war monger is. What the hell is the point of that?

GWB wants to stop so called "fascism". He wants to install the democratic process in these war torn countries. Who is he to say what is best for these countries? What gives him the right to tell people half way around the world how to live their lives?

The way I see it, if only the world would "live and let live", then the world would be one step closer to the utopian world I dream of. And I don't mean the right wing christian version of that saying, which of course is "live and let live....unless you are gay, black, asian, diseased, jewish, muslim, or any other blasphemous un-american religion". I mean tolerance of every person, regardless of whatever differences they may have from what you deem normal or acceptable.

Unfortunately, people are so deeply tied to their respective religions that they are immune to reason. It would take a paradigm shift of unfathomable magnitude to change the way these people think.


Anonymous said...

I suggest trying to use diction which is on par with your level of knowledge on the subject at hand. It seems it would take a slap in the face of unfathomable magnitude to enlighten you with the far deeper problems involved than just "forgetting" about religion and hatred. I hope your future articles are not this naive.

Anonymous said...

"If only people around the world would realize how stupid they all are."

Is this a joke? Try not to undermine yourself and your writing by scripting garbage like this. How old are you, 12?

Evan said...

Perhaps I could have been more tactful with my prose, but I stand by what I posted, in meaning if not in words.

Anonymous said...

In-tolerance becomes a problem when it interferes with my drinking, any other time it doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

hey bigpapi, it nice to see that your mom lets u stay up till 11:04.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. the level of intellect reached by "anonymous" is synonymous with this brutal article. Coincidence? I think not.