Thursday, September 14, 2006

Response to Comment

A reader responded to my religion post a few days ago, and I haven't had the chance to respond until now. Instead of posting a comment that could get lost down the page, I decided to just make a new post in response. Please post any comments in this post, not the one down the page.

1)will mankind ever reach total understanding, and if so, who's to say what that is?
2)what if religion (or belief in a God or gods) is more than fictitious explanation?

1) My analysis is mathematical in nature. It invokes the limit concept, which uses infinitessimals to approximate (in fact, find explicit solutions to) otherwise unsolvable problems.

"Total understanding" is merely one of these idealized "approximations" used to find an explicit solution, but like infinity, impossible to attain except in an infinite amount of time.

Do not confuse the usage of limiting idealizations with a non-explicit result.

2) It is possible that there is actually a greater being. But it is not for the reasons humans believe in one. If they are, in fact, correct, it is only serendipitous, not due to any knowledge imparted upon humans thousands of years ago passed down through generation after generation to today.

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