Friday, September 01, 2006

Crypto 50K Added

I just registered for the Cryptologic Network's 50K added tournament this Sunday morning. Assuming 1000 players, the prize pool will be around $85,000. That is one hell of a massive prize pool for a $33+3 buyin.

How nice would it be to cash deep on Sunday? After a really terrible August, I feel I am owed something. It really is too bad I'm not very good at tournaments. Maybe I can get lucky. I'm not a tournament player at all, but the massive overlay makes this one way too +EV to pass up.

I figure 1st place will be about $20,000. I think I'd shit my pants if I won that.

I just have to play solid tournament poker. It's not like I don't know how to win. I just always seem to ADD out. Just concentrate, be patient, wait, wait, pounce, wait, wait, wait, pounce, bubble comes I turn into a semi-maniac. I'm not playing to win $100. I don't give a flying f about coming in 94th place. If I'm going to spend 5-10 hours or whatever it'll take, I'm doing it to make the final table. And once I get there, it's almost a return to early strategy. Wait for people to be eliminated, don't get too involved, try to get into the "real money" spots, the top 3. Once in the top three, the aggression gets turned up and it's all about putting pressure on the other two guys. Get your money in with the best hand, hope for the best.

Also on Sunday is the first CalPuck "weekly" tournament in a long time. If I'm not too burned out I'll toss some money into Stars and giv'er a go.

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