Thursday, September 07, 2006

NDP Policy Convention

The NDP are meeting in Quebec City this week to discuss party policy. Not everything in the linked article is wanted party-wide, as much as this obviously right-leaning journalist would like you to believe.


And some of my thoughts:

"First and foremost, Canada would immediately withdraw from Afghanistan."

Definitely agree.

"In future, forget about Canadian peacekeeping missions anywhere -- the NDP "rejects the use of military intervention as a tool for peace.""

I support dropping all "peacekeeping" as well.

"While they are at it, the Dippers would get on the phone to George Bush to demand the U.S. withdraw from Iraq. Shivers in the White House."

Not our business. It is not the Canadian government's job to babysit our misbehaving southern neighbours.

"Forget about arming customs guards and demanding passports at all Canada-U.S. crossing points."

Agree. The less guns the better off we are.

"In the Utopian Canada of NDP grassroots, pot smoking and hookers would be legalized..."

Definitely agree on both counts.

"mandatory prison sentences would be outlawed"

No. This is one policy I definitely disagree with.

"and we'd all take to the streets every November in a special national "Day of Remembrance" for transsexuals."


"Every riding would elect two MPs -- a man and a woman -- to ensure gender equality in parliament..."

I'm all for equality, but forced "equality" is not equality.

"and the country would be declared a republic, in part because "Queen Elizabeth II was not born nor has ever lived in Canada.""

No. I am vehemently against severing all ties to Britain.

""Total elimination of spin doctors, consultants and speech writers, so that all policy arises from a genuine concern for justice, and so that tax dollars are spent on programs instead of a manipulation of the masses.""

Blah, blah, blah.

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