Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rt. Hon. Evan - Prime Minister of Canada


Of all my goals and dreams in life, financially, academically, socially, this is the one I hold most dear.

To be leader of the greatest country in the world and to be able to share my vision for this nation with Canadians is what I want most in the world.

As this is my first real non-introductory posting, I should probably introduce my beliefs I feel are fundamental to what Canada is and should be.

Above all else, I am against religion. I am vehemently against religion. To me it not only represents, but is, what is wrong with the world. Almost everything bad in this world is because of religion.

I am anti-hate. Although one might argue being anti-hate and anti-religion are one and the same. You will not get any arguments from me.

I am pro-choice. It is my opinion that a woman should have a right to choose no matter what.

I am anti-war. War, to borrow from the poker nomenclature, is -EV (negative expected value for you non-poker readers out there). Why fight? What's the point? Just to settle once and for all whose religion is best (correct?) But if we fight over whose religion is best, isn't the only thing we actually settle the answer to who the best fighters are? I don't know. War makes me sick.

I am pro-equal rights. I believe that no Canadian should be discriminated upon. I believe in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I am pro-free thought. I believe in the value of science and the scientific method. I believe in finding answers in the real world, not in a thousand year old story book.

I am pro-Kyoto and am an environmentalist.

My Canada is a Canada where every Canadian enjoys the same freedoms and rights. My Canada is a progressive, free thinking nation, free of religious opression. My Canada leaves no Canadian behind. My Canada is a nation where post-secondary education is paid for by the government in whole. My Canada is one of the scientific leaders of the world, always on the cutting edge of research. My Canada abstains from war altogether. My Canada is the greatest nation in the world.

That is my Canada. Does it not sound wonderful?


Anonymous said...

The thought of you becoming Prime Minister of this great country raises the bile from the back of my throat and makes moving to Baghdad an appealing alternative.

Evan said...

Tolerance is such a horrible attribute, isn't it?