Tuesday, August 29, 2006

First Blog Post Ever

Welcome to Evan's Blog!

This is where I hope to express my thoughts, beliefs and feelings on whatever crosses my mind.

What will this blog be about? I guess it will be about me, more specifically what matters to me.

So what matters to me? School is an important part of my life. Poker is an integral part of my existence. Without poker I would not have most of what I have in this world. Poker facilitates my school, my ability to purchase things like the computer in front of me, my social life, and the most important thing - my ability to be lazy! Okay so what else is important to me? During hockey season the most important thing in my life is the Calgary Flames. The Flames mean more to me than pretty much anything else on Earth. Okay, so we have school, poker and the Flames. One more thing remains, and it's a biggie. Politics. Hopefully this blog will become a forum for my political beliefs. Some people think I'm a radical. I believe I (and the few who think like me) am the beginning of a new movement. More on this to come.

So thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope it becomes as good as I hope it will be.

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