Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Why am I on such a bad streak?

I feel like I'm playing solid poker. I feel like I should be winning. After 20 some months of profitable poker, August 2006 is going to be my first losing month. It really is pretty hard for me to swallow. Has my game gone to seed? What has changed?

I just finished nine tabling Party for 3 hours. I started out pretty well, up close to 100 within 30 minutes. It quickly went south. I flop the nut flush and some donk with a set raises the flop all in and I (obviously) call and he pairs up the river. What the hell can I do? I flop top two with AK and some guy with QT turns a straight. Sigh. Now I'm out $200 for my troubles. Great.

It used to be so easy. I would profit almost every day. All I had to do was put in time and I made money. I don't if it's me that's gotten worse or the other players that have smartened's tough to say. Maybe this is just a bad streak.

It doesn't help that my favourite site has gone to total shit. Tiger Gaming is a nightmare these days. Early this year it was easy to get 3 or 4 tables of NL100 in the day and evening. Now it's pretty much impossible to find 2. Their software problems have turned away many of their customers besides me, I suspect. That place was an absolute gold mine. It really is quite sad that I can't play there anymore.

Very frustrating, to say the least.

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