Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Liberal Leadership

Who will be the next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada? Right now there are two front runners, and two guys who are my favourites, but that lag behind the top two in terms of support.

Michael Ignatieff

Plus: -He's an academic.
-Extremely intelligent.
-Speaks french very well.
-Good looking guy.

Minus: -Supports the war in Iraq.
-New to politics
-Hasn't really lived in Canada all that much.

Bob Rae

Plus: -The leftist of the bunch.
-Proven track record.
-Speaks french well.
-Friendly looking.

Minus: -Too left for LPC?
-Popular in Ontario, what about elsewhere?
-Carries NDP stigma.

Gerard Kennedy

Plus: -Speaks french well.
-Best english speaker of all candidates.
-Popular stands on issues.
-Ontario politician, but has western roots.

Minus: -Isn't as well known as the two leading men.

Scott Brison

Plus: -Progressive socially.
-He is gay.
-Young, but experienced.

Minus: -He's gay.
-Former Tory.
-Too young?


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that speaking French well is a plus. The PM of a billingual country has to be able to speak both languages, so the ability to speak French should be a given. Why don't you put down that they are all literate under the plus column instead.

Anonymous said...

I think Kennedy takes it on the 4th ballot.

Evan said...

I don't believe that speaking French well is a plus.

Tell that to Ken Dryden and half of the other candidates.

It is but a matter of semantics whether you think being able to speak well is a good thing or whether not being able to is a bad thing.

And cd, I hope you're right. Kennedy is definitely my favourite.

Anonymous said...

I think your all bush.. Kennedy is bush, and on the topic of speaking frech, well the french dont even wana be here so who cares if they understand our party leader.

Evan said...

What stimulating commentary.

Please tell me why exactly you think Gerard Kennedy is "bush". Or why I am "bush" (if that is what you were saying).

Anonymous said...

what I mean by bush is gross.. and Im not gonna lie ev, by the looks of your picture, your swing is gross to..

Evan said...

I know what bush means. I was asking why you think he's bush.

And I never claimed to have a great swing, although I wouldn't call it "gross". Just bad. I posted a different profile pic since you found that one objectionable.

Anonymous said...

yo ev man, your site is good times... keep up the good work. but on a bad note... your swing does look a little hurtin.