Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...

"Poker is 20% skill, and 80% suckouts".

"I can be the greatest player in the world, but if you pick a random person off the streets for me to play against, he can beat me. Therein lies the beauty of the game".

"Yes, poker is about making skilled, correct plays, but what is paramount is minimizing luck".

"Slowroll me again and I'll slowly roll your recently decapitated head down the street until it's run over by a gas guzzling SUV".

"Poker is not about this hand, this hour, this session, this week or even this month. Poker is about the hundreds of thousands of hands you have played and will play over the course of your lifetime. In the limit as the number of hands becomes very large, good plays and good players ALWAYS win".

"If poker were easy, then any dumbass could become a great player. Where's the advantage in that?"

"Think of how stupid the average poker player is. Now realize that, necessarily, half of them are even dumber than that".

"A bad player uses his heart to play. A good player uses his mind to play. A great player uses both".

"Your greatest advantage comes not from the plays you make, but from the plays you do not make".

-Musings on the great game, mostly original quotes.


Anonymous said...

"I can be the greatest player in the world, but if you pick a random person off the streets for me to play against, he can beat me. Therein lies the beauty of the game"

I would argue that therein lies why poker is a fucking joke and a sad excuse for a "sport". If you want to partake in something with that much luck involved, buy lottery tickets.

Evan said...

You obviously don't know much about poker.

Comparing poker to the "idiot tax" indicates a lack of basic knowledge of the game (not sport).