Thursday, August 31, 2006

Canadian National Team (Baseball)

I would just like to congratulate my friend Michael Saunders and his teammates on the Canadian National Team for making it to the second round of Olympic Qualifying in Cuba.

Hope to see you in Beijing in 2008!

Pictured: Canada pitcher Brett Gray

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Liberal Leadership

Who will be the next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada? Right now there are two front runners, and two guys who are my favourites, but that lag behind the top two in terms of support.

Michael Ignatieff

Plus: -He's an academic.
-Extremely intelligent.
-Speaks french very well.
-Good looking guy.

Minus: -Supports the war in Iraq.
-New to politics
-Hasn't really lived in Canada all that much.

Bob Rae

Plus: -The leftist of the bunch.
-Proven track record.
-Speaks french well.
-Friendly looking.

Minus: -Too left for LPC?
-Popular in Ontario, what about elsewhere?
-Carries NDP stigma.

Gerard Kennedy

Plus: -Speaks french well.
-Best english speaker of all candidates.
-Popular stands on issues.
-Ontario politician, but has western roots.

Minus: -Isn't as well known as the two leading men.

Scott Brison

Plus: -Progressive socially.
-He is gay.
-Young, but experienced.

Minus: -He's gay.
-Former Tory.
-Too young?


Why am I on such a bad streak?

I feel like I'm playing solid poker. I feel like I should be winning. After 20 some months of profitable poker, August 2006 is going to be my first losing month. It really is pretty hard for me to swallow. Has my game gone to seed? What has changed?

I just finished nine tabling Party for 3 hours. I started out pretty well, up close to 100 within 30 minutes. It quickly went south. I flop the nut flush and some donk with a set raises the flop all in and I (obviously) call and he pairs up the river. What the hell can I do? I flop top two with AK and some guy with QT turns a straight. Sigh. Now I'm out $200 for my troubles. Great.

It used to be so easy. I would profit almost every day. All I had to do was put in time and I made money. I don't if it's me that's gotten worse or the other players that have smartened's tough to say. Maybe this is just a bad streak.

It doesn't help that my favourite site has gone to total shit. Tiger Gaming is a nightmare these days. Early this year it was easy to get 3 or 4 tables of NL100 in the day and evening. Now it's pretty much impossible to find 2. Their software problems have turned away many of their customers besides me, I suspect. That place was an absolute gold mine. It really is quite sad that I can't play there anymore.

Very frustrating, to say the least.

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...

"Poker is 20% skill, and 80% suckouts".

"I can be the greatest player in the world, but if you pick a random person off the streets for me to play against, he can beat me. Therein lies the beauty of the game".

"Yes, poker is about making skilled, correct plays, but what is paramount is minimizing luck".

"Slowroll me again and I'll slowly roll your recently decapitated head down the street until it's run over by a gas guzzling SUV".

"Poker is not about this hand, this hour, this session, this week or even this month. Poker is about the hundreds of thousands of hands you have played and will play over the course of your lifetime. In the limit as the number of hands becomes very large, good plays and good players ALWAYS win".

"If poker were easy, then any dumbass could become a great player. Where's the advantage in that?"

"Think of how stupid the average poker player is. Now realize that, necessarily, half of them are even dumber than that".

"A bad player uses his heart to play. A good player uses his mind to play. A great player uses both".

"Your greatest advantage comes not from the plays you make, but from the plays you do not make".

-Musings on the great game, mostly original quotes.

Calgary Flames

The hockey season is seven weeks away. Even after the 18 month post-lockout layoff last season, I don't remember being this excited about the start of the season. This season my team goes in as one of the favourites to win the Stanley Cup. Last year some gave us this honour as well, while others gave us the "Cinderella" title instead. This year all the Cinderella talk is gone. This year we are legitimate contenders. The best goalie in the world. One of if not the best defensive unit in the NHL. One of the best players and leaders in the world. The Calgary Flames, in my opinion, are the team to beat in the West this season.

My lines:




It will be interesting to see how much time two of the Flames' more heralded recent prospects see this year. Tim Ramholt (2003-2/39) and Andrei Taratukhin (2001-2/41) both are signed and presumably in North America. Hopefully each gets ~15-20 games and can show us all something. I have always been a Ramholt fan and I think he can be a top 4 guy for the Flames as early as next season.

Flames sked:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rt. Hon. Evan - Prime Minister of Canada


Of all my goals and dreams in life, financially, academically, socially, this is the one I hold most dear.

To be leader of the greatest country in the world and to be able to share my vision for this nation with Canadians is what I want most in the world.

As this is my first real non-introductory posting, I should probably introduce my beliefs I feel are fundamental to what Canada is and should be.

Above all else, I am against religion. I am vehemently against religion. To me it not only represents, but is, what is wrong with the world. Almost everything bad in this world is because of religion.

I am anti-hate. Although one might argue being anti-hate and anti-religion are one and the same. You will not get any arguments from me.

I am pro-choice. It is my opinion that a woman should have a right to choose no matter what.

I am anti-war. War, to borrow from the poker nomenclature, is -EV (negative expected value for you non-poker readers out there). Why fight? What's the point? Just to settle once and for all whose religion is best (correct?) But if we fight over whose religion is best, isn't the only thing we actually settle the answer to who the best fighters are? I don't know. War makes me sick.

I am pro-equal rights. I believe that no Canadian should be discriminated upon. I believe in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I am pro-free thought. I believe in the value of science and the scientific method. I believe in finding answers in the real world, not in a thousand year old story book.

I am pro-Kyoto and am an environmentalist.

My Canada is a Canada where every Canadian enjoys the same freedoms and rights. My Canada is a progressive, free thinking nation, free of religious opression. My Canada leaves no Canadian behind. My Canada is a nation where post-secondary education is paid for by the government in whole. My Canada is one of the scientific leaders of the world, always on the cutting edge of research. My Canada abstains from war altogether. My Canada is the greatest nation in the world.

That is my Canada. Does it not sound wonderful?

First Blog Post Ever

Welcome to Evan's Blog!

This is where I hope to express my thoughts, beliefs and feelings on whatever crosses my mind.

What will this blog be about? I guess it will be about me, more specifically what matters to me.

So what matters to me? School is an important part of my life. Poker is an integral part of my existence. Without poker I would not have most of what I have in this world. Poker facilitates my school, my ability to purchase things like the computer in front of me, my social life, and the most important thing - my ability to be lazy! Okay so what else is important to me? During hockey season the most important thing in my life is the Calgary Flames. The Flames mean more to me than pretty much anything else on Earth. Okay, so we have school, poker and the Flames. One more thing remains, and it's a biggie. Politics. Hopefully this blog will become a forum for my political beliefs. Some people think I'm a radical. I believe I (and the few who think like me) am the beginning of a new movement. More on this to come.

So thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope it becomes as good as I hope it will be.