Thursday, November 02, 2006

pwning teh sho @nl100

Good. I'm back to running the show at the Crypto NL100 tables. August was so gee I felt like quitting, and my goal of 20k for the year was going up in smoke. Well...things have turned around pretty good.

August: +$157.92

YUCK. What a waste of the last month of the summer. So many awful leaks.

September: +$2,922.52

That's more like it. The month ended poorly though, which didn't bode well for October, but...

October: +$2,709.41

Booya. A return to glory, two months of pretty much solid poker. Had a little bit of a bump a couple weeks ago where I donked off $300 in an hour, but after that it's been primarily smooth sailing. After a solid start to November today (+$325), I'm feeling really good about the way I'm playing. The wins today pretty much put me over the 20k mark for the year and I still have two months left! 25k is looking very attainable right now. I think that would be quite the accomplishment.

Good times on the poker front.

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