Friday, October 27, 2006

Midterms finally over...

Ok, so I got a C+ on my Thermo midterm, not too too bad, above the class average which I'm pretty pleased about. Hopefully it gets scaled up 10% or so.

Did my mechanics midterm a couple weeks ago, no mark yet. Thought I did ok. Probably around 70%. Okay, so far so...good I guess.

Extragalactic...holy shit...what the fata happened here. I'm supposed to be good at astrophysics! I most definitely failed, but by how much is the question. The prof scales it pretty good, so it really only matters how well you do in relation to the other 17 students. Hopefully I come out with a decent mark. I'd be pleased with a B- at this point. I really need some kind of A in this class...looks like it's going to have to be an A- the way the midterm went. That or I gotta tear the final, which I definitely could do.

Advanced Calculus....W...T....F.

Okay, I suck at this stuff anyway, but this test was awful. It was absolutely nothing like the practice test. Not even close. This test covered all the harder material that I don't grasp as well, whereas the practice test covered a lot of the material I know very well. Probably got about 30%. Oh well...just gotta pass the final and I'll be good. So easy to say...not so easy to do LOL.

So overall, my midterms went...pretty shitty. But don't they always? Last year my midterm marks were 78% (A- final mark), 60% (B), 51% (F), 62% (B-), 42% (B-), 92% (A), 77% (B), 45% (C+).

So maybe things aren't so bad. Now I just have to get around to doing my labs instead of being lazy and ditching them. And not getting 40% on assignments would help, too.

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